Sometimes in March 2016, Luke Wroblewski announced that the Bottom navigation bars were now a part of the material design guidelines. Until then, bottom nav bars were seen as an anti-pattern and were heavily kicked against.

There have been several nice libraries to implement this bottom nav bar design, some of which include: and

Just last week, Google (through Nick Butcher) announced the release of the v25 of the Android Design Support Library which includes the new BottomNavigationView.

In this short post, I’ll be showing how to use it in your Android app.

If you are in a hurry, feel free to jump straight to look at the sample code here:


To get started with this, you need the latest version (version 25) of Android SDK & tools (including SDK tools, build-tools, platform-tools, support repository).

How to use it.

1. Add the design support library

First step is to add the design support library to your app-level build.gradle file. Example is as shown below:

dependencies {
    compile ''

2. Add the BottomNavigationView to your layout

Next step, is to add the actual bottom nav view to the layout. Typically, you will add something like:

       design:menu="@menu/bottom_nav_items" />

The BottomNavigationView uses design:menu is a custom attribute that points to the menu resource containing items to be shown on the BottomNavigationView.

There are other custom attributes for the view, including:

  • design:itemBackground to set the background of the menu resource
  • design:itemIconTint to set the tint which is applied to the item icons.
  • design:itemTextColor to set the menu item text colour.

3. Define the nav items in the menu resource

The BottomNavigationView is used in a very similar way to the NavigationView because the bottom nav view also uses menu resources to populate items.

To define the items, you need to do so in a menu resource. Let’s create one and name it bottom_nav_items.xml as we have specified in step 2 above.

A typical content will look like this:

<menu xmlns:android="">

        android:icon="@drawable/ic_notifications_black" />

This means that there will be 3 items, Home, Search and Notifications on the bottom nav view. We can run the app now, and we’ll see our neatly implemented bottom nav view.

Listening for events on the bottom nav view

Now that we’ve added the view, we’d love to know when a menu item is clicked right?

To listen for click events on the BottomNavigationView, we just need to call setOnNavigationItemSelectedListener()

Example of how to do this is:

mBottomNav.setOnNavigationItemSelectedListener(new BottomNavigationView.OnNavigationItemSelectedListener() {
            public boolean onNavigationItemSelected(@NonNull MenuItem item) {
                // handle desired action here
                // One possibility of action is to replace the contents above the nav bar
                // return true if you want the item to be displayed as the selected item
                return true;

Want more code?

I’ve made a ‘fuller’ demo app demonstrating a use case of the bottom nav view. You can find the code here: (Please remember to star the repo ;)

Here’s what the demo app looks like:


Hey, thank you for reading! If you have any comments/suggestions or corrections, feel free to drop a comment below or tweet at me.

Please share if you found this useful or know someone that may find it useful.

