Selectively running Android UI tests
Notes about selectively running instrumentation tests on Android
I share a mix of tutorials, tips, experiments and stories.
Notes about selectively running instrumentation tests on Android
How to analyze your Gradle dependencies
Easily jump through and analyze stack traces in Android Studio
Android debugging tip - attach Android Studio debugger at app start up
Use sample data resources for easy layout preview in Android Studio
Prepare your app for Android Oreo targets by implementing notification channels
Exploring how to implement custom fonts on Android by backporting fonts in XML using the support library
Tutorial on how to implement the new bottom navigation view with the support library
Tutorial on how to implement notifications with direct reply in Android N
Android Studio tip on using designtime attributes to preview layout designs
Android tip on how to use gradle extra properties to manage dependency versioning
Update your app without updating your app
Tutorial on how to use chrome custom tabs in Android.
Quick intro to the new layout editor and ConstraintLayout in Android
Exploring the new crash reporting feature of Firebase
Quick update on using the new runtime permissions on Android 6.0 (Marshmallow)