This is a short tip for Android Studio users. Many people know this, but I thought to still share for those that don’t know.

As developers, when we’re building a UI layout in Android, it’s common desire to want to preview what we’re designing right?

We usually want to add that sample data, like android:text="Test Test" to see how exactly it will look in our layout. Many times, we forget to remove such sample data. It’s even more stressful when you’re building a list. You have to run the app to see what your list looks like.

Well, designtime attributes are here to help.

Designtime attributes? What are they?

Designtime attributes are attributes that are used only in rendering the Android studio layout preview, they have no impact at runtime. Designtime attributes aren’t new in Android studio. They’ve been around since Android Studio 0.2.11.

Designtime attributes are specified by the use of the tools namespace in Android XML layouts.

Using designtime attributes

a. Declare tools namespace.

To use the designtime attributes, you need to first declare the tools namespace within the root tag of your layout. Your layout will look something like:


All tools attributes get stripped out at compile time by AAPT, and that’s how they have no effect at runtime.

b. Replace android namespace with tools

Now that you have declared the namespace, you can replace almost any android xml attribute with tools, for the designtime.

For example, let’s say we wanted to test our text wrapping and see how our textview would look with a very long text, we would do something like:

    tools:text="Test test, let's add some really really really long text"

Note the tools:text attribute we used instead of the usual android:text

Interesting uses with listviews and recycler views

Now, let’s look at further examples of designtime attributes.

1. ListView

You can use designtime attributes to preview what the list will look like if you’ve designed your list item, using the listitem attribute. For example:


2. RecyclerView

Thanks to Efe for showing me this one.

    tools:scrollbars="none" />

Points to note about designtime attributes

  • It works ONLY with Android framework attributes. That is, it doesn’t work with custom attributes yet.
  • You can use them together with regular layout android attributes. For example:
    tools:text="Test Test, add some really really really long text"
  • They only work within Android layout files. You can’t use designtime attributes in menus, drawables, etc.

References and further reading

If you have any comments/suggestions or corrections, or you want to share your use of designtime attributes, feel free to drop a comment below or tweet at me.

Please share if you found this useful.

Thanks for reading.

